spares platform – 60,000 new line items added
Over the last couple of weeks we have added over 60,000 line items to the commercial marine spares platform giving it an enormous boost. 46,423 new line items went live in just one batch last week.
Predominantly parts suitable for MAN B&W two stroke engines, there was also a good selection of parts for Yanmar and Daihatsu engines.
Our platform is stable and robust enough for this load to have been added and integrated with zero disruption to our daily routine and services.
If you have parts to sell and cannot face sourcing and negotiating with a third party to develop your own bespoke on-line shop or e-commerce site then please contact us to discuss adding your parts to our industry-leading, secure, closely-monitored platform.
We are always eager to talk to quality stockists, distributors, manufacturers and repair shops especially in new areas or product ranges which are not already well covered by our range of parts and services – particularly electronic components and valves/pumps.
Contact us by phone +44 1293 871767, e-mail , Twitter @partfindermarin or via our own Private Message Service