Partfindermarine Newsletter Archive 2016 Part 1 – Issues 28-32
Issue 32 – ” Boaty McBoatface”-AKA RRS Sir David Attenborough, 1M line item listing target for PF, no such thing as a free lunch ( PF QA rules), more engines, more gen-sets ( MAN B&W 6L42MC), parts that we did NOT source.
- ” Boaty McBoatface AKA RRS ” Sir David Attenborough”
- MAN B&W 6L42MC for sale
- PF target 1M line items listed
Issue 31 – What’s in a name? ” not Boaty McBoat face apparently, new message category for diesel engines & gen-sets on PF, the last place on earth- RMS St. Helena, Tips and tricks, how to update your notifications, the late, great Tommy Cooper cheering us up.
- New Engine/gen-set message category
- Where in the world? St. Helena
- The late, great Tommy Cooper
Issue 30- Engines & generator sets special edition, PF performance enhancements, staying in the loop with PF ” Alerts”, targeting 1M line items on PF, Nous sommes Bruxelles – Brussels terror attack.
- Deutz M816 gen-sets for sale
- Partfindermarine system enhancements
- Nous sommes Bruxelles
Issue 29- Building an FPSO – “Western Isles” new building in time-lapse video, Alfa Laval cancelled order special offers from Premier Separator Services, Bad day at the office? FTSE loses £28B in a day, the parts that got away, and golden roses for Valentine’s day.
- FPSO ” Western Isles” time-lapse video
- 176330780 Alfa Laval tube heater insert
- Golden roses for Valentine’s day
Issu2 28- ” The blooming desert” another Norwegian First, HTTPS – secure upgrade to, Sulzer RTA72 exhaust valve cages for sale, Listing your stock on PF, final voyage for the RMS St. Helena.
- The Blooming desert
- SSL upgrade for PF
- Adieu RMS St. Helena